Fourth Symposium on the Urban Environment


Turbulence Properties of a Street-Roof scale Within the Urban Roughness Sub-Layer

E. Gavze, Israel Institute for Biological Research, Ness-Ziona, Israel; and E. Fattal and S. Pistinner

Three pairs of ultrasonic anemometers were deployed above a roof top, during summer time, deep within an urban fetch. Each pair was mounted at a heights of 2 and 6 meters above the roof level. The pairs where seven meters apart from each other, thus occupying a third of the roof length. The roof height was roughly 10 metersi above the street level, so that in terms of normalized heights the measurments were performed at 1.2 and 1.6. The sampling rates of all anemometers was 10Hz and data were collected on the same card to ensure synchronization. In addition two more ultra sonic anemometers were positioned in the street below and an additional sonic anemometer was stationed on a roof upwind on the same hight above the roof level as the highest anemometers downwind. Analysis of turbulent parameters was performed. Results were tested against predictions of similarity theory.

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Wednesday, 22 May 2002, 3:00 PM-5:00 PM

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