|  | 4.3 | Low-cost urban data sets through LIDAR feature extraction Kevin S. Williams, SAIC, Chantilly, VA |
| 3:59 PM | 4.4 | Development of a software to describe the city morphology and to compute aerodynamic parameters from an urban data base Nathalie Long, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, Nantes, France; and P. G. Mestayer and C. Kergomard |
| 4:14 PM | 4.5 | DTRA Urban Terrain Database Project John C. Pace, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Alexandria, VA; and R. J. Babarsky |
| 4:29 PM | 4.6 | Urban Morphology for Houston to drive Models-3/CMAQ at neighborhood scales Jason Ching, NOAA/ARL, Research Triangle Park, NC; and T. L. Otte, S. Dupont, S. Burian, and A. Lacser |
| 4:44 PM | 4.7 | Urban Effects in Numerical Models and Evaluation with Field Experiment Data: Part I: Sensitivity to Urban Characterization John M. Leone Jr., LLNL, Livermore, CA; and M. J. Leach, H. N. S. Chin, and G. Sugiyama |
| 4:59 PM | 4.8 | Urban Effect in Numerical Models and Evaluation with Field Experiment Data: Part II: Mesoscale Aspects Hung-Neng S. Chin, LLNL, Livermore, CA; and M. J. Leach, J. M. Leone, Jr., G. A. Sugiyama, and H. Walker |