Fourth Symposium on the Urban Environment

Session 14

 Urban boundary layer: observations
 Organizer: Jean-Pierre Lagouarde, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Villenave d'Ornon France
8:00 AM14.1Turbulence Statistics in the Developing Urban Boundary-Layer  
Robert W. Macdonald, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada; and S. Carter Schofield and P. R. Slawson
8:15 AM14.2Observations of the diurnal variation of energy dissipation in the urban boundary layer using Doppler lidar  extended abstract
Karen E. Bozier, University of Salford, Salford, United Kingdom; and C. G. Collier
8:30 AM14.3Turbulence Characteristics in the Rough Urban Canopy Layer (Beijing)  
Xin Li, Insttitute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China; and F. Hu
8:45 AM14.4Wavelet analysis of carbon dioxide fluxes in the surface layer above a densely built city centre at night  extended abstract
J. A. Salmond, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada; and T. R. Oke and C. S. B. Grimmond
9:00 AM14.5Doppler lidar and wind tunnel observations of flow over an urban canopy  extended abstract
Fay Davies, University of Salford, Salford, United Kingdom; and C. G. Collier and H. Cheng
9:15 AM14.6Observations of the wind speed profile close to the ground using a mini-sodar, results of the UBL/CLU-Escompte campaign over Marseille city  
Alexis Coppalle, CORIA, Saint Etienne du Rouvray, France; and M. Talbaut
9:30 AM14.7Adjustment of a rural boundary layer to a heated urban canopy  extended abstract
Omduth Coceal, University of Reading, Reading, Berks., United Kingdom; and S. E. Belcher
9:45 AM14.8Sensible heat flux estimated over the city of Marseille, using a LAS scintillometer  extended abstract
Jean-Pierre Lagouarde, INRA, Villenave d'Ornon, France; and M. Irvine, J. M. Bonnefond, C. S. B. Grimmond, N. Long, T. Oke, J. Salmond, and B. offerele
10:00 AM14.9Spectral analyzes of optical scintillation: refraction and absorption components in an urban zone  extended abstract
Mark Irvine, INRA, Villenave d'Ornon, France; and J. P. Lagouarde, J. M. Bonnefond, C. S. B. Grimmond, and T. Oke
10:15 AMCoffee Break  

Friday, 24 May 2002: 8:00 AM-10:45 AM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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