25th Agricultural and Forest Meteorology/12th Air Pollution/4th Urban Environment

Thursday, 23 May 2002: 1:30 PM
Characteristics of Turbulent Exchange in and above an Old-Growth Forest
Kyaw Tha Paw U, Univ. of California, Davis, CA; and M. Falk, B. Yang, Y. S. Park, and M. J. Schroeder
Poster PDF (138.1 kB)
Turbulence data were taken at one of the tallest forest canopies in the AmeriFlux network. This 500-year-old ecosystem has trees as tall as 67 m. Coherent structures were identified by their ramp patterns in temperature, carbon dioxide concentrations, and humidity. The scaling of these structures with mean wind shear was compared to results from other plant canopies. Canopy penetration of the structures as a function of stability was also compared to data from other plant canopies. Profiles of traditional turbulent statistics are discussed. Turbulent spectra and the cospectra are presented.

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