25th Agricultural and Forest Meteorology/12th Air Pollution/4th Urban Environment

Thursday, 23 May 2002: 11:15 AM
Viewing Urban and Regional Air Quality from Space using Spaceborne Lidar
Raymond M. Hoff, JCET/Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD; and K. J. McCann
Poster PDF (673.6 kB)
In 2004, NASA will launch ESSP-3, a second generation spaceborne lidar system. The polar orbit of ESSP-3 will allow daily coincidences of the lidar footprint with urban areas around the globe. This paper will discuss the potential for routine observation of urban to regional scale haze from the ESSP-3 Mission. In order to visualize the capability of the new satellite, the authors reexamine urban signatures in the Lidar In-space Technology Experiment mission data from 1994. While only a nine-day mission, LITE showed conclusively that important observational data on urban particulate emissions can be made from space.

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