Thursday, 28 March 2019: 3:15 PM
Auditorium (AAAS Building)
Helen A. Brohl is a Senior Executive, appointed as the first Executive Director of the US Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS) in July 2006 by US DOT Secretary Norman Mineta. Ms. Brohl manages the CMTS partnership, authorized in statute December 2012 with over 25 Federal agency members to address our Nation’s waterways, ports and intermodal connections. Working with senior political, military and civilian leaders in the Federal government, Ms. Brohl directed the development and Cabinet-level approval in 2008 of the first-ever National Strategy for the Marine Transportation System to improve the MTS for capacity, safety and security, environmental stewardship; resiliency and financing. During her tenure, the CMTS has worked on a number of dynamic issues including Federal infrastructure financing and investment; system performance metrics; navigation technology integration and coordination; and integration of marine transportation issues into the National Ocean Policy and National Strategy for the Arctic Region. Ms. Brohl was directly instrumental in the development of the CMTS Strategic Action Plan for Research and Development in the Marine Transportation System; the eNavigation Strategic Action Plan, the CMTS response to the National Ocean Policy; and a marine transportation policy for the U.S. Arctic. (
In 2011 and in 2014, Ms. Brohl was appointed by the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works as a Commissioner of the US Section of the World Association for Waterborne Transport. From March to October 2012, Ms. Brohl was detailed to the US Merchant Marine Academy in Kings Point, NY at the request of the Secretary of Transportation to develop the Academy's strategic plan.
Helen is currently on the advisory board of the Women's Aquatic Network, which she co-founded 25 years ago, and is an alumni mentor for the OSU John Glenn School of Public Policy in Washington, DC.