Thursday, 28 March 2019: 11:00 AM
Auditorium (AAAS Building)
Daniel Rothenberg is currently the Chief Scientist at ClimaCell, a weather data startup in Boston. Dr. Rothenberg's research career began as an atmospheric science student at Cornell (BS '11), where his undergraduate thesis on volcano impacts on climate and biogeochemistry won the AMS' Father James B. Macelwane Award (2010). He pursued his doctoral studies at MIT (PhD '16) applying uncertainty quantification, statistical techniques and novel climate modeling approaches to better understand the aerosol indirect effect on climate. This work continued in part as a post-doc in the MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change and Institute for Data, Systems, and Society where he studied the complex interactions between air quality and climate change. Throughout his research career, Dr. Rothenberg has been invested in open source scientific software development, particularly engaging in initiatives like the Pangeo project to build scalable tools and systems for working with peta-scale "big data" atmospheric and climate science. At ClimaCell, Dr. Rothenberg combines these interests to lead an R&D team focused on building novel weather data products, combining information from both traditional and "virtual" weather sensors, leveraging the proliferation of IoT and other weather-sensitive systems all over the world. When not coding or working on science, Daniel enjoys studying and playing classical violin in the Boston area with his wife.