Panel Discussion 5 International Opportunities in the Weather and Climate Enterprise

Wednesday, 3 April 2013: 9:00 AM-10:45 AM
Auditorium (AAAS Building)

Modern day severe weather events and the changing climate bring about a need for international collaboration with respect to environmental impact, energy security, aide to developing countries, and technology advancement. Opportunities abound abroad to be at the forefront of these issues. This panel will consist of experts in their respective fields of the international sector to address ongoing challenges and initiatives in developing countries, research efforts to address global climate change and the future of clean renewable energy, U.S. efforts to lessen environmental impact abroad, energy security in developing countries, and economic opportunities abroad. Panelists will address questions such as the following: What does your organization do? From your professional perspective, what geographical regions and/or challenges are in need of the greatest attention with respect to weather and climate? Is there a need for international collaboration? If so, what are the pros and cons to the U.S. weather and climate enterprise by addressing this need? What opportunities are available for attendees to address the topics discussed today?
Curt Barrett, Advisor to USAID-OFDA, OFDA, Washington, DC
Mark Jacobson, Stanford University, Stanford, CA; Karl Gawell, US GeoThermal Energy Association, Washington, DC; Landon Van Dyke, US Department of State, Washington, DC and James Frankiewickz, Consultant to USAID, n/a, n/a