4.4 The measurements of mass concentration and scattering coefficient at several sand dust monitoring stations in Northern China in spring of 2004

Thursday, 28 April 2005: 10:00 AM
International Room (Cathedral Hill Hotel)
Jie Tang, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing, China; and P. Yan and B. Sun

Since 2003, China Meteorological Administration has set up a monitoring network over Northern China to collect the information as for a part of the national disastrous weather forecast and warning system for dust storm. There were 6 dust storm weather processes over northern China from March to April of 2004. This study reports the results of PM10 mass and Nephelometer measurement at several sand dust monitoring stations of the network in these months. The characteristics of mass concentration and scattering coefficient of aerosol during non-dust storm period were analysed. Also a comparison was made between the periods of the non-dust-storm period and of the typical dust storm events. The preliminary analysis shows the distinguished characteristics of PM10 mass concentration and scattering coefficient.

Key words: PM10 Mass, Nephelometer, Dust storm

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