3.7 A Further Study of the Mixing Height of the Taipei Basin Using the Microwave

Wednesday, 27 April 2005: 5:00 PM
International Room (Cathedral Hill Hotel)
Che-Ming Chang, National Central University, Chung-Li, Taiwan; and L. N. chang, S. C. Lu, H. C. Hsiao, and P. F. Shieh

In Taipei basin, a metropolitan area with high population density and heavy traffic, serious air pollution episodes may occur during stable weather conditions. The information of mixing height is therefore essential to the air pollution control in this area. In this study, diurnal variation of the mixing height derived using the newly established EPA-Taiwan microwave temperature profiler(MTP-5HE)and that obtained through the CWB soundings are compared. The relationships between the air quality and the diurnal variation of the mixing height will be discussed during different weather situations.
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