10.5 Regional/Urban Particulate Matter Modeling Assessment over China

Friday, 29 April 2005: 5:00 PM
California Room (Cathedral Hill Hotel)
Joshua Fu, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN

China is the world's most populous country with a fast growing economy that surges in energy comsumption. It has become the second largest energy consumer after the United States. Air pollution has become one of the most important problems of megacities such as Beijing and Shanghai and has serious impacts on public health, causes urban and regional haze. The Models-3/CMAQ modeling application that has been conducted to simulate multi-pollutants in China is presented. The modeling domains cover East Asia (36-kmx36-km) including Japan, South Korea, Korea DPR, Indonesia, Thailand, India and Mongolia, East China (12-kmx12-km) and Beijing/Tianjing, Shanghai (4-kmx4-km). For this study, the Asian emission inventory based on the emission estimates of the year 2000 that supported the NASA TRACE-P program is used. However, the TRACE-P emission inventory was developed for a different purpose such as global modeling. TRACE-P emission inventory may not be practical in urban area. There is no China national emission inventory available. Therefore, TRACE-P emission inventory is used on the East Asia and East China domains. The 8 districts of Beijing and Shanghai local emissions inventory are used to replace TRACE-P in 4-km domains. The meteorological data for the Models-3/CMAQ run are extracted from MM5. The model simulation is performed during the period January 1-20 and July 1-20, 2001 that presented the winter and summer time for China areas.

High PM2.5 (~75ug/m3 in summer and 150ug/m3 in winter) were simulated over metropolitan & downwind areas with significant secondary constituents. More comprehensive simulations in the Beijing, Shanghai areas are presented with sensitivity analysis. A comparison against available PM measurement data in Beijing, Shanghai is presented. The modeling configuration of the Beijing and Shanghai 4-km x 4-km domain is to demonstrate the development of cost-effective control strategies for the air pollution control such as 2008 Olympic Game in Beijing and 2010 World EXPO in Shanghai air quality management plan.

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