Using WES Activities to reach At-Risk Students
Frankie C. Vann, Sampson County Schools Alternative Program/AERA, Clinton, NC
Working with At-Risk Students has provided a challenge for all North Carolina teachers.This seems to be especially true for the teachers who work in the Alternative Schools and Programs across the state. Adding to the problem is the fact that there is no state wide regulations for the programs, so each school district has different rules and regulations for their students to follow. Funding in these schools for materials and supplies is often lower than the regular schools that the students attended prior to coming to the Alternative Programs. Many of the teachers who take the WES course find it to be extremely useful in helping solve some of the problems. Teachers comment that many of the the activites are beneficial because they are low cost and easy to dupicate in their classrooms. In addition to this, many of activites are interdiciplinary. This aids the teachers also, since many of the teachers at these schools teach more than one subject.
Supplementary URL: http://fc_vann
Poster Session 1, Education and Outreach Initiatives
Sunday, 9 January 2005, 5:00 PM-5:00 PM
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