21st International Conference on Interactive Information Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology


CLAVR-x initial operational capability at NESDIS

David R. Donahue, Science and Technology Corporation, Suitland, MD; and J. Sapper, A. Heidinger, A. Jelenak, and V. Kapoor

Over the last several years, NESDIS scientists have developed the capability to derive cloud information from AVHRR data. This area of research has matured and led to code that is capable of producing AVHRR cloud products. In 2004, the Clouds from AVHRR extended version (CLAVR-x) system achieved Initial Operational Capability (IOC). This IOC was implemented under the Computer Sciences Corporation’s (CSC) Central Satellite Data Processing contract. The CLAVR-x system writes cloud mask information back to the AVHRR 1B level file, making it available to any product system that uses an AVHRR 1B level file as input. The CLAVR-x software was developed by the NESDIS Office of Research and Applications (ORA) and has been hosted on a production platform. The current CLAVR-x system consists of essentially five subsystems: 1B processing; production of an orbital pixel-level cloud mask; orbital pixel-level retrievals (including sea surface temperature); orbital mapping of pixel-level quantities into grid cells; and synthesis of orbital grid cells into multi-orbit and/or multi-sensor global fields. The latter subsystem is executed once daily. Work is currently underway to add generation of the CLAVR-x pixel-level cloud mask to the MetOp era AVHRR 1B level preprocessing system. The purpose of this paper is to present the status of CLAVR-x within NESDIS Operations and show examples of the AVHRR cloud products currently produced.

extended abstract  Extended Abstract (536K)

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Session 10, Satellite IIPS and Applications Part II (Please note that Papers 10.7 and 10.8 are a continuation of Session 7: European and other International Applications)
Tuesday, 11 January 2005, 3:30 PM-5:30 PM

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