14th Symp on Education


Elementary School Earth Systems Science Collaboration Project

Thomas P. Kelly, Grandville Public Schools, Grandville, MI; and D. Davis

This project involves developing an understanding in students, of the diversity of environmental conditions that can occur across two geographically distant portions of the United States. Two Michigan and Florida 5th grade classes, through the internet, exchanged current local meteorological and hydrologic data to better understand how these are indicative of the weather in their local regions. Other environmental data exchanged included information on the prominent abiotic and biotic components of the local ecosystems: physical features of the land, climate, species of flora and fauna. The project also built a geographical awareness by having the students become aware of a totally different part of the country. Students actively used meteorological data, various weather graphics, landsat imagery, maps and other resources as well as the establishment of a “personal connection” with this information by their class to class communication.

Poster Session 1, Education and Outreach Initiatives
Sunday, 9 January 2005, 5:00 PM-5:00 PM

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