16th Conference on Climate Variability and Change


Low frequency variability of the Southern Hemisphere winter split jet

Xiaosong Yang, SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY; and E. K. M. Chang

Previous studies suggest that the split jet is one of the most important low-frequency variabilities in Southern Hemisphere (SH) winter, and the split jet paradigm is not only centered in the longitudes between Australia/New Zealand and the date line, also inherently hemispheric. The local split jet is associated with the variability of the whole SH hemispheric circulation, or the so-called SH annular mode, so understanding of the split jet may help us to investigate the dynamics of the SH annular mode.

A new split jet index is defined in this study, and the composites based on this index show that the cold-warm-cold tripole temperature anomaly starting from the South pole occurs in the South Pacific in association with the split-flow regimes and the non-split flow exists when the phase of the tripole temperature anomaly is reverse. The heat budget reveals that the temperature anomaly associated with the split/non-split jet is the response to the large-scale wave, not the forcing from the local diabatic heating. The localized E-P flux diagnostics and the stationary wave model diagnostics both illustrate that the split/non-split jet is maintained by the vorticity flux, and the vorticity flux is dominant over the heat flux, which has the opposite effect to the maintenance of the split/non-split jet.

The organization of high-frequency eddies by the low-frequency split/non-split jet has been studied. Two sets of linear runs of a simple GCM with random initial conditions for the split and non-split jet basic state respectively, have been conducted to establish the statistics of the storm tracks. The storm track anomalies that are caused by the split/non-split jet match the storm track anomalies that are associated with the split/non-split jet observed in the ECMWF reanalysis data, thus demonstrating that the low-frequency split/non-split jet does organize the high-frequency eddies. Our results suggest that there is a two-way feedback between the eddies and the mean flow in the low frequency variability of the SH winter split jet.


Session 4, Observed Seasonal to Interannual Climate Variability (parallel with Sessions 3 and 5)
Tuesday, 11 January 2005, 8:30 AM-5:30 PM

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