Preliminary analysis of the difference between temperature observations recorded by COOP and USCRN systems
Bomin Sun, STG Inc., Asheville, NC; and G. W. Goodge and C. B. Baker
The U.S. Climate Reference Network (CRN) is a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)-sponsored network and research initiative. The first and foremost objective of the USCRN instrument suite is to provide benchmark-quality air temperature and precipitation measurements free of time-dependent biases. The CRN configuration uses three separate aspirated shields each of which contains one Platinum-wire Resistance Thermometer (PRT) sensor to measure ambient air temperature. The primary instrument systems used in the Cooperative Observer network (COOP) include the Cotton Region Shelter (CRS) housing the Liquid-in-Glass thermometer and the Maximum and Minimum Temperature System (MMTS), both of which are non-aspirated systems. In this study, a comparison was conducted on temperature observations made by the COOP and CRN systems at co-located sites. The difference between the COOP and CRN systems are useful in constructing long-term homogeneous time series and in surface observing network integration.
Figure 1. Tmax and Tmin differences (COOP minus CRN) at co-located stations (within 10 km). Error bars represent 95% confidence limits of the mean bias. Data from 20 co-located sites are used
Figure 1 shows an example of the COOP and CRN temperature difference at co-located sites. Spatial and temporal characteristics of the difference were analyzed and their dependence on solar and wind regimes and siting characteristics was investigated.
Poster Session 4, Poster Session 4
Thursday, 13 January 2005, 9:45 AM-11:00 AM
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