16th Conference on Climate Variability and Change


CalClim: An accessible data archive to monitor California climate

Laura M. Edwards, DRI, Reno, NV; and K. T. Redmond, G. D. McCurdy, D. R. Cayan, M. Meyer Tyree, and L. Riddle

The prospect of climate change and its attendant effects in California have resulted in the establishment of the California Climate Change Center (CCCC) and added to the already significant demand for climate data and information. Until recently, such information has been provided by several independent sources, requiring time-consuming searches and procedures to find the appropriate information. A new project, the CalClim California Climate Data Archive (CCDA), provides centralized climate data access to assist those interested in monitoring California climate variability and change. The CalClim website (http://www.calclim.dri.edu) is a gateway to a number of climate observation networks that operate in California, including the NWS Cooperative Network, SNOTEL, RAWS, and other statewide and regional networks. This archive enables scientists, state agencies and others with California interests to retrieve climate data at their convenience, for any period of time, and from one or multiple networks. Software on the website can also produce summaries of data, including long-term averages of temperature and precipitation for user-defined periods, and graphs of daily or monthly data with options such as running means. Currently a limited selection of data is available, but additional datasets will be added over the next several months to one year. A monthly California Climate Watch online newsletter and recent climate maps for periods ranging from the last week to 3 years, and updated daily, can be found on the Calclim web site. A special Coastal Climate Data Archive is under development as well. In addition these activities will make use of data from an enhanced California climate monitoring network.


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Session 11, Living With a Limited Water Supply, continued. (parallel with Session 10)
Wednesday, 12 January 2005, 1:30 PM-5:30 PM

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