14th Symp on Education


Satellite meteorology for middle and high school students and teachers

Margaret Mooney, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and S. A. Ackerman, T. H. Achtor, and J. Brunner

The K-12 outreach team at the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) envisions the day when the topic of Satellite Meteorology is as common in middle and high school science curriculums as satellite images on the nightly news. In 2003, CIMSS created an on-line course, “Satellite Meteorology for Grades 7 – 12” (http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/satmet/), also available on CD-ROM, that provides basic background text and engages students with dozens of hands-on computer activities interpreting satellite images.

CIMSS conducted two-day workshops for middle and high school teachers in 2003 and 2004 and several shorter presentations soliciting feedback and suggestions for course improvement. These reiterative reviews continually strengthen the course. In 2004, NASA’s ESE Education Product Review team gave the course it’s official seal of approval and recommended it for broad distribution.

Satellite Meteorology provides scientists and educators with exciting tools for investigation, inquiry, analysis and stewardship. CIMSS plans to spread awareness of these tools by continually improving course material, providing educators workshops, and reaching out to new audiences each year.

Poster Session 1, Education and Outreach Initiatives
Sunday, 9 January 2005, 5:00 PM-5:00 PM

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