8th Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography


Antarctic Net Precipitation Estimates Using TOVS and NCEP-DOE Renalysis-2

Cheng-Zhi Zou, NOAA/NESDIS/ORA, Camp Springs, MD; and M. Van Woert and C. Xu

Moisture fields from the NCEP-DOE Reanalysis-2 (R-2) and Television Infrared Observational Satellite (TIROS) Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) Pathfinder A are validated using the Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) retrievals over the Southern Ocean. It is shown that the spatial distributions of the annual mean statistics of the total precipitable water are similar among SSM/I, R-2 and TOVS Pathfinder A for both the eddy and mean components. However, transient statistics show that the R-2 total precipitable water agrees with SSM/I with a correlation of 0.77 over the Southern Ocean while the TOVS Pathfinder A moisture is almost uncorrelated with the SSM/I data.

Total moisture transport convergence for 1988 over the Antarctic continent is further examined using the R-2 wind and moisture data as well as the moisture retrievals from TOVS Pathfinder A. To gain a better understanding of transient and mean processes on moisture transport, the total moisture transport was decomposed into mean and eddy components. The results suggest that a mass conservation correction is necessary for the mean component, but can safely be ignored for the eddy component. With the mass conservation correction, the mean moisture transport is about the same for both the R-2 estimate alone and the estimate based on the mixed TOVS Pathfinder A moisture/R-2 wind. The computed eddy and total moisture transport convergence over Antarctica for the R-2 data agrees within 10%-15% with previous surface data based estimates as well as estimates from other model analyses. However, the eddy component of the mixed TOVS moisture with R-2 wind is about 60%-70% lower than the R-2 result. These differences occur because the eddy moisture amplitude of the TOVS Pathfinder A is nearly 40% lower than the R-2 data and also the TOVS moisture has a much lower correlation with the R-2 winds. These results reflect the difficulties with the TOVS sensor in quantifying synoptic moisture transients resulting from conditional sampling problems.

Poster Session 3, Formal Poster Viewing - Atmophere, Ice, Ocean
Wednesday, 12 January 2005, 2:30 PM-4:00 PM

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