8th Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography


Designing an Arctic Observing Network

Sheldon Drobot, The National Academies, Washington, DC; and C. Elfring

The National Academies’ Polar Research Board is developing a new study on designing a comprehensive land, atmosphere, and ocean Arctic observing network. The study committee will provide thoughts on the overarching philosophy and conceptual foundation for such an international network and, where possible, provide concrete advice to move the concept toward implementation. For instance, the committee will describe the infrastructure needed to create a comprehensive Arctic observing network, including advice on types, number, and the distribution of network components; where stations might be placed; and the role that remote sensing and novel technologies might play. The committee will also recommend a strategy to ensure efficient, coordinated implementation and operation of an Arctic observing network, including methods to ensure that data products from different sensors are spatially and temporally consistent, processes that could be used to design the optimal mix of observations and test for data redundancies, and approaches that could be used to keep the network current and cost effective. This presentation provides an update on committee activities and how the atmospheric science community can be more involved.

Poster Session 1, International Polar Year - Poster Presentations (Observational Techniques, Programs, Products and Databases
Tuesday, 11 January 2005, 9:45 AM-10:45 AM

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