14th Symp on Education


NOAA Education and Training Program Opportunities

Nina L. Jackson, NOAA/NESDIS, Brandywine, MD


Nina L. Jackson Education and Outreach Coordinator National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Satellites and Information Service Silver Spring, Maryland 20910


The United States (U.S.) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) conduct research and gather data about global oceans, atmosphere, space, and sun, and apply this knowledge to science and services that touch the lives of people throughout the world. NOAA provides these services through five major organizations: the National Weather Service; the Ocean Service; the Marine Fisheries Service; the Satellites and Information Service; and the Office of Atmospheric Research. In addition, NOAA research and operational activities are supported by the Nation=s seventh uniformed service, the NOAA Corps, a commissioned officer corps of men and women who operate NOAA=s ships and aircraft and serve in scientific and administrative posts. To accomplish its diverse mission, NOAA recruits and retains professional, scientific and technical candidates in a variety of specialized occupations.

The NOAA Satellites and Information Service is responsible for managing the nation=s civil operational earth observing satellites, both polar orbiting and geostationary. The organizational mission includes the responsibility to manage the principal national and international environmental data centers. Through these two functions the organization provides environmental data and information critical to the national economy and the protection of life and property.

A variety of multi-disciplinary research and applications activities may be supported utilizing the wealth of data and information derived from the above resources. Advanced, high resolution space borne sensors, coupled with airborne and in-situ measurements provide new insights into environmental phenomena. Our ability to observe features globally and synoptically at scales never seen before has significantly enhanced scientists= understanding of Earth processes. Critical to the success of the technical endeavors is the cooperation between government, academic and industrial researchers. NOAA Satellites and Information Service provide opportunities to teachers and students to work with researchers to learn applications of remotely sensed data and to develop curricula which create both a stimulating and fruitful classroom experience. The advances in remote sensing of the environment capabilities at NOAA and other agencies, both nationally and internationally, couples with advances in communications technology (i.e., internet and interactive displays) provide educators with opportunities never before imaginable.


Session 2, University Educational Initiatives
Tuesday, 11 January 2005, 8:30 AM-12:15 PM

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