Education and the Integrated Ocean Observing System
Blanche W. Meeson, Ocean.US, Arlington, VA
As a nation the coming ocean observing system provides an unprecedented opportunity to change both the publics perception of our oceans, and to inspire, captivate and motivate our children, our young adults and even our fellow adults to pursue careers allied with the oceans and to become stewards of this our Planet’s last most unexplored environment.
Within this context, the Integrated Ocean Observing System-Coastal Ocean Observing System and Education Workshop was held in March 2004 to initiate an education framework associated with ocean observing, and to provide community insight and guidance for education associated with ocean observing systems. The workshop participants were individuals with knowledge and extensive experience as practitioners, researchers, and program managers in science, technology or education. The specific objectives of the workshop were as follows:
1. To initiate an education network associated with IOOS/COOS that is comprised of educators, scientists and technologist associated with ocean observing systems,
2. To initiate an on-going process to identify exemplary components of existing websites relevant to IOOS/COOS education especially in the areas of web accessible tools for analysis or visualization of data, and education efforts using scientific data,
3. To develop a set of community recommendations and strategies for formal and informal education efforts associated with ocean observing systems that make use of the unique contributions they can make to education, and for sustained incorporation of those efforts into the Integrated Ocean Observing System.
These objectives were accomplished. An education network was formed and workshop activities provided opportunities for researchers, educators and technologists to developed a better understanding of each others perspectives. In addition a subgroup was formed to continue and develop best practices for websites that employ educator ready tools for analysis or visualization of data, and for web-based education efforts using scientific data. Lastly, a set of recommendations and a high level phased implementation plan was developed for education allied with the Integrated Ocean Observing System. The presentation will focus on the recommendations, the plan, and the steps to begin implementing the plan.
Supplementary URL: http://www.ocean.us
Joint Session 1, Education Out Reach Activities on Living in the Coastal Zone (Joint between the 14th Symp on Education and the Symp on living in the Coastal Zone)
Monday, 10 January 2005, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM
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