Sixth Conference on Coastal Atmospheric and Oceanic Prediction and Processes


4. Tropical Storm Forecast Improvements in the GOES-R Era. Emphasis: A Survey of the Expected Spatial and Temporal Atmosphere and Ocean Observational Improvements

Phillip A. Zuzolo, The Boeing Company, Springfield, VA; and B. Zuzolo, S. G. Hoffert, M. F. Tutza, K. Lausten, R. Domikis, and G. R. Alexander

Accurate tropical storm forecasting is heavily dependent on the ability to observe and characterize the atmospheric and oceanic conditions in and around tropical storms. The ABI and HES sensor suite on the GOES-R system will improve the observing and monitoring of atmospheric and oceanic conditions critical to tropical storm forecasting. Key areas where these sensors will provide improvements are higher spatial (both vertical and horizontal) and temporal resolution of atmospheric moisture parameters, better characterization of atmospheric wind fields, improved surface and near-surface ocean temperature measurements, and enhanced forecast model initialization. This paper will provide a survey of the expected observational improvements to be gained by the ABI and HES sensor suite on the GOES-R system.

Session 7, Tropical Cyclones
Thursday, 13 January 2005, 3:30 PM-5:00 PM

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