Meteorology for the Texas Teacher
Jimmy Rozell II, Tyler Junior College, Tyler, TX
The opportunity to provide the following meteorology-based education for teachers was made possible through the Online Weather Studies provided by the American Meteorological Society and the outstanding support from the AMS Education Team.
The Texas science teacher prepares students for the state-mandated science test called the TAKS (Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills), using the TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) objectives. Meteorology plays a part in the TEKS. However, many teachers have little or no experience in this field of science. With this in mind, a program was developed by faculty at Tyler Junior College and funded by the Texas Educational Service Center for Region VII to bring Texas science teachers together to learn and to practice the TEKS-related meteorological objectives with which their students need to pass successfully.
*NATIONAL STANDARDS: The TEKS are cross-referenced with the National Science Education Standards. The METEOROLOGY FOR THE TEXAS TEACHER program delivers content specific professional development instruction which provides a foundation for teachers to incorporate the meteorological TEKS objectives into their science classrooms, through specific classroom activities—even integrating science with other subjects for the literacy-based classrooms.
*ANNOTATIONS: This course provides opportunities for the participating educators to evaluate the courses, resources, facts, and activities—as well as helpful tips—in order to meet the TEKS objectives.
*REVIEWED RESOURCES: Each TEKS science objective was scrutinized to see how it pertains to meteorology. Overall, 27 objectives are specifically related to meteorology. Many cross-over objectives were also noted. These cross-over objectives provided opportunities to integrate meteorology with chemistry and physics, mathematics and language arts. The previous TAKS release-test was also scrutinized for the specific questions which dealt with meteorology; this information provided direct spring-boards for hands-on activities that the teachers were able to concretely relate to.
*CONTINUING EDUCATION FOR TEACHERS: Approval was sought and granted by the Texas Education Agency to give the participants Continuing Education credit. (In Texas, teachers must work and earn many hours of continuing education after their Texas Teachers’ License is received; this is called Continuing Education.) The teacher receives 16 contact hours for this course. 3. CONTENT OF WORKSHOP
*CONTENT KNOWLEDGE: The content knowledge base is presented through the use of Power Point presentations, photographs, audio visuals, teacher interpretation, and computer-online investigation.
*FIELD TRIP: A field trip to Shreveport, Louisiana--to visit the National Weather Service Field Station--is part of the meteorological experience. The teachers see the work stations of the forecasters of our local weather, observe a weather balloon, and ask questions of the meteorologists on location. While on the bus to the NWSFS, the teachers watch multiple child-based meteorological films which they may use in their classrooms.
*CLASS PARTICIPATION: In a Tyler Junior College science/computer lab classroom, the teachers follow a Power Point/teacher-guided presentation which leads them through multiple student activities which teach meteorological-based TEKS. The teachers actually do activities which they can do with their students.
*At the completion of the two-day workshop, the teachers are asked to write evaluations and suggestions which will help to improve the class.
• This class was supported by Dr. Byron Howell, Tyler Junior College Instructor and director of the Microscale Chemistry Center. It was also supported by the Region 7 Teacher Resource Center and Tyler Junior College. • Special thanks go to the American Meteorological Society.
Poster Session 1, Education and Outreach Initiatives
Sunday, 9 January 2005, 5:00 PM-5:00 PM
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