Integration of Radar, Rainfall Intensity and Hydrometric Data using DRIP
Reg R. Dunkley, MSC, Vancouver, BC, Canada
The Digital Rainfall Intensity Project (DRIP) integrates and displays radar data, rainfall intensity data and hydrometric data in a website developed by the Meteorological Service of Canada in Vancouver BC. Rainfall intensity data is obtained from a mesoscale network of 52 tipping bucket rain gauges operated by MSC and the Greater Vancouver Regional District. Real time hydrometric data for 20 stations in the vicinity of Vancouver is operated by the Water Survey of Canada. Quantitative precipitation estimates from an MSC doppler radar located in Aldergrove BC is databased for each of the 52 raingauge locations, using GIS to convert spatial data into time series data. Graphs of accumulated precipitation and associated radar quantitative precipitation estimates can be displayed together on 6 hour, 24 hour, monthly or annual time scales. Data for up to 3 rain gauges and 1 hydrometric station can be displayed at one time. In addition FLASH MX technology is used to display summarized animations of radar QPE estimates. Early use of this system clearly demonstrates in near real time when attenuation causes radar rainfall amounts to be underestimated. The radar data can also lead to detection of errors in the tipping bucket data such as spurious precipitation due to snow melt. This information system will be of interest to a broad spectrum of users including weather forecasters, flood forecasters, sewage and drainage engineers, radar meteorologists, data quality controllers and the media. .
Session 19, Radar IIPS and Applications Part II
Thursday, 13 January 2005, 1:30 PM-5:30 PM
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