An Observational and Modeled Examination of the Seaward Expansion of a Sea Breeze Circulation
James K. Titlow III, WeatherFlow Inc., Poquoson, VA; and R. E. Marshall
The Navy's JSLSCAD Experiment was completed during July of 2004 off of Virginia Beach Virginia. The successful experiment involved the release of tracer gases 30 to 50 km offshore during weakly forced synoptic conditions. The primary focus of the experiment was to improve knowledge of ducting within the boundary layer and its relationship to radar performance. As an aside, a wealth of meteorological data, along with mesocale model output was collected during the one week duration of the experiment. These data, along with WeatherFlow's coastal mesonet provide the data required to examine sea breeze circulations during the period. In particular, little observational data is routinely available when examining the spatial extent of sea breeze. The JSLSCAD data set provides some much needed insight into the seaward behavior of such events.
Poster Session 2, Poster Session P2: Formal Viewing
Wednesday, 12 January 2005, 2:30 PM-4:00 PM
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