Mesoscale modeling during MPACE
Alexander Avramov, Penn State University, University Park, PA; and V. T. Yannuzzi, P. Q. Olsson, C. P. Bahrmann, J. Y. Harrington, and J. Verlinde
Although Arctic clouds play an important role in Arctic climate system, they remain one of the least understood cloud systems. Mixed-phase arctic stratus clouds are the predominant cloud type in the Arctic and therefore exert a strong influence on the arctic radiative budget. Perhaps one of the most intriguing features of mixed-phase arctic stratus is that they tend to have liquid tops that precipitate ice. Despite the fact that this situation is colloidally unstable (i.e. the Bergeron-Findeisen-Wegener process should rapidly deplete the cloud of its liquid water), these cloud systems are quite long lived (from a few days to over a couple of weeks.) In October of 2004, the Mixed Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment (MPACE) will be conducted over the North Slope of Alaska and the Beaufort Sea to study these clouds. During the field experiment the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) will be run operationally using three grids, the finest of which (Dx = 4km) can capture small-scale cloud features. Results from the operational and research runs (conducted after MPACE) of mixed-phase cloud cases will be presented at the meeting.
Joint Poster Session 1, Formal Poster Viewing - Polar Coastal Processes (Joint with Sixth Conference on Coastal Atmospheric and Oceanic Prediction and Processes and the 8th Conf on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography)
Monday, 10 January 2005, 2:30 PM-4:00 PM
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