Conference on Meteorological Applications of Lightning Data


The Lightning Decision Support System:Predicting lightning threat utilizing integrated data sources

J. William Conway, Weather Decision Technologies, Inc., Norman, OK; and M. D. Eilts

The Precision Lightning Network (PLN) built and installed by Weather Decision Technologies (WDT) and TOA Systems covers the Continental United States and the Caribbean. PLN represents the latest state-of-the-science in lightning detection technology and data delivery. Real-time lightning warnings and predictions are useful in most every facet of government and business. Weather Decision Technologies (WDT) is a leader in the field of developing advanced, automated meteorological systems for decision support in various fields of operations and through integration of the PLN lightning data with the WSR-88D network and numerical model data, WDT has developed the Lightning Decision Support System (LDSS). LDSS provides predictions lightning and potential lightning locations out to 30 minutes in advance. This warning period can be extended to 60 minutes depending on the meteorological situation. The LDSS algorithm suite provides information on lightning strike threat potential and estimated times of lightning arrival (ETA) and departure (ETD) for specific customer assets. Given advanced warning of lightning arrival and departure, customers are able to protect lightning sensitive equipment, know when to cease and resume outside operations, begin and end backup power operations, and re-route critical operations to other centers if available. Current LDSS customers include power generation and distribution companies, recreational facilities, aviation facilities, emergency management centers, and other critical facilities that cannot have operation interruptions due to lightning induced power outages or have outdoor operations.

LDSS is currently run in real-time over the entire area lightning data are available. Results of the LDSS are served over the internet and displayed using a WDT web based package that graphically shows customer assets, lightning strike locations, predicted lightning locations, and ETA/ETD. Based on this information, customers can make critical operational decisions to protect lives and property. The purpose of this paper will be to present an overview of the algorithms, how they are used, discuss system accuracy and future enhancements.

Poster Session 1, Poster Session 1
Monday, 10 January 2005, 2:30 PM-4:00 PM

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