14th Symp on Education


Climatology at a tribal college

Subodh K. Singh, Sinte Gleska University, Mission, SD

Online Weather Studies is an introductory college-level, online distance-learning course in the fundamentals of atmospheric science, where students study weather as it happens. The course addresses the need for innovative and cost-effective lab science education opportunities for an increasingly diverse and non-traditional student population.

Success at offering an atmospheric science course with a lab totally online comes from careful preparation. This poster will discuss 10 steps to enhance student learning.

The Department of Arts and Sciences at Sinte Gleska University is committed to enhancing pre-service teachers' understanding and teaching of science. We recognize the need to attract more students, particularly Native American students, into science related fields including teaching.

extended abstract  Extended Abstract (88K)

wrf recording  Recorded presentation

Session 2, University Educational Initiatives
Tuesday, 11 January 2005, 8:30 AM-12:15 PM

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