IMPACT: Weather 2004
Third Annual Users Conference


Inland Flooding Associated With The 2004 Tropical Season

John Feldt, NWS/SERFC, Peachtree City, GA

Over a relatively short period of time, an amazing seven inland-moving tropical cyclones moved on-shore within the Southeast River Forecast Center's area of responsibility. This presentation will describe the aerial distribution and hydrologic impact of these seven flood-producing tropical systems. Both meteorological and hydrologic aspects of key flood events will also be examined.

wrf recording  Recorded presentation

Joint Session 3, Living in the Coastal Zone (Joint between the IMPACT: 2004 Weather Symposium and the Third AMS Users Conference: Uses of and Needs for Weather and Climate Services in Managing Water Resources, Energy, and Ocean Transportation)
Tuesday, 11 January 2005, 1:30 PM-3:00 PM

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