GOES-R Schedule and Architecture
Steven P. Kirkner, NOAA/NESDIS
The launch of GOES-R in 2012 will mark the beginning of the third generation of GOES satellites. The GOES-R series will provide observations of the atmosphere, ocean, and land with improved temporal, spatial and spectral resolution. It will support NOAA's strategic objectives, including ecosystems, weather and water, climate, and commerce/ transportation. For ecosystems, we must determine the environmental impacts of chaotic processes, such as diurnal ocean color as a function of tides. For weather and water, real time weather data are needed to accurately track and analyze severe weather events. For climate, we need to provide the diurnal signal for climate prediction and analysis. For commerce, we need to provide uninterrupted hemispheric observations and products for safe and efficient transportation and commerce systems. The challenge lies in maintaining data continuity to support these objectives. GOES-R must be operationally available (launched and checked out) by mid fiscal year 2013 to provide coverage in the event of a failure of GOES-O or GOES-P.
Another challenge is to maintain a balance between user benefits and costs. Evolving user needs must be balanced with an affordable cost of the system. Complete life cycle end-to-end costs must be included in upfront planning to ensure decision makers have a full understanding of the system cost. Architectures, including ground systems, must be developed to effectively handle large volumes of data required by users.
To address these challenges, the GOES program has adopted various strategies. Trade studies are being performed against requirements. Multiple architecture options are being evaluated. End-to-end system architecture is being defined. The acquisition approach is being structured with adequate program definition/ risk reduction studies, followed by the development/ production phase for spacecraft, instruments, and ground systems. Life-cycle cost targets are being developed, as are assessments of user utility and cost benefit analyses.
To meet requirements, NOAA is maintaining extensive user involvement, including GOES-R conferences, and data users conferences. The GOES-R Program Requirements Document has been coordinated with other federal and international agencies and incorporates all NOAA line office and mission goal team requirements. The Mission Requirements Document translated operational requirements into system acquisition requirements.
This presentation will provide an update of the path leading to the acquisition and implementation of the GOES-R series.
Session 1, Part I: GOES-R [Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites – R]
Tuesday, 11 January 2005, 8:20 AM-12:00 PM
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