Fourth Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications to Environmental Science

Poster Session 1

 P1.1Teaching Artificial Intelligence to Meteorology Undergraduates  extended abstract
George S. Young, Penn State University, University Park, PA; and S. E. Haupt
 P1.2Self-Organizing Nonlinear Output Map (SONO): An Artificial Neural Network Suitable for Cloud-Patch based Rainfall Estimation  extended abstract
Kuo-lin Hsu, University of California, Irvine, CA; and Y. Hong and S. Sorooshian
 P1.4Artificial Neural Network in Hydrologic Forecasting (Model Generalization Using Cross Validation)  
Hamid Moradkhani, University of California at Irvine (UCI), Irvine, CA; and K. L. Hsu and S. Sorooshian

Tuesday, 11 January 2005: 9:45 AM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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