Fourth AMS Student Conference

Session 5

 Environmental challenges in a changing world
 Chair: Amanda H. Lynch, Monash University, Clayton, Vic Australia
8:15 AM5.1Climate Change—What does that mean for our future?  
James Mahoney, NOAA, Washington, DC
8:35 AM5.2The environmental impacts on policymakers  
William Hooke, AMS, Atmospheric Policy Program, Washington, DC
8:55 AM5.3Weather impacts on surface transportation  
Leon F. Osborne Jr., Regional Weather Information Center and Institute for Surface Transportation Weather Research, Grand Forks, ND
9:15 AM5.4The economicsof commercial weather forecasting  
Robert Baron, Baron Services, Inc., Huntsville, AL
9:35 AM5.5Where on earth is space weather headed?  
John Foster, MIT, Cambridge, MA

Sunday, 9 January 2005: 8:15 AM-9:55 AM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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