The NOAA MODIS NRT Scheduler system (NANOOK) is a complex fusion of perl scripts, C and Fortran Programs, and a collection of simple database tables, which are responsible for the ingestion, processing, and distribution of MODIS data in a Near Real Time environment.
This poster seeks to show the complex interweave of the elements which control the daily flow of 576 granules of MODIS data through ten product generation executables (PGEs).
The system tracks incoming raw data, and both static and dynamic ancillary data products needed for proper product generation, as well as control of the flow of intermediate data through the various PGEs so that the data are not only processed in the correct order, but also in as short a time as possible.
The final function of the scheduler is to export the final data products to a set of customers based on product, satellite, and regions of interest. This final function is beyond the scope of this poster and will be handled in a companion presentation.
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