To encourage students, especially those underrepresented minority students, to consider academic, operational or research careers in geosciences, it is necessary to let them participate in earth science education and applications as early/frequently as possible and expose to hands-on projects. However, existing issues in data accessing, such as, data format, data volume, etc. are the major hurdles for conducting these activities.
The GES DISC has taken a major step towards meeting these challenges. TRMM Online Visualization and Analysis System (TOVAS, URL:, developed by the hydrology data support team at the GES DISC, provides a fast and easy way for a wide variety of users to obtain global precipitation information over the Internet. TOVAS allows users to plot, subset and output TRMM Level 3 data products that range from 3-hourly near-real-time to monthly. Simple functions, such as, area averaging and accumulating, allow users to quickly obtain precipitation characteristics in areas of their interests. Time series allows users to understand 3-hourly, daily, seasonal to interannual variations. An ASCII output capability allows users to use subsetting data for their own research and applications. In the presentation, examples of using TOVAS in earth science education activities will be presented. We welcome feedback and collaborations from educators and students.
Supplementary URL: