The relative importance of cloud-aerosol interactions, local moisture sources and large-scale dynamics in the evolution of Arctic mixed-phase clouds are determined using a the NCAR/Penn State Mesoscale Model (MM5) and a new 2-moment microphysics scheme that predicts both mass and number concentration of four cloud species (cloud liquid, cloud ice, rain and snow). Mixed-phase cloud systems observed at the SHEBA and the Barrow NSA sites are simulated with the aim of better understanding the processes that result in their longevity. Sensitivity studies in which the assumed properties of the aerosols are varied will be performed to determine the importance of cloud-aerosol interactions in the evolution of Arctic mixed-phase clouds. A statistical comparison of the modeled and observed properties of mixed-phase clouds and the dynamical regimes in which they thrive will be given. Trajectory analyses are performed to determine the importance of air mass origins in determining the cloud microphysical properties. The importance of local moisture sources in the evolution of these cloud layers is also studied by varying the surface boundary conditions in the model.
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