1. Various rainfall estimation products derived from visible/infrared (VIS/IR), passive and active microwave (MW) measurements located both in polar and geosynchronous satellites;
2. Rainfall product quality control and error analyses; and
3. Rainfall estimation from space and its contributions to the understanding of the Earth's energy and water balance and long-term climate prediction.
Special attention is given to the 6 years data and products derived from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite Precipitation Radar (PR) and Microwave Imager (TMI). All TRMM data and related products are archived, distributed, and accessible to users through various GES-DISC-DAAC-PDISC user-friendly ordering systems, with analysis tools, documentation, and data read software. The intention is to make TRMM and other precipitation related data and products more widely used for climate, health, environment, agriculture, and interdisciplinary research and applications. The TRMM six-year precipitation climatology for example is an excellent benchmark for other tropical rainfall measurement, and for estimating tropical contributions to global water and energy cycles.
Supplementary URL: http://daac.gsfc.nasa.gov/hydrology/pdisc