The James Holton Symposium


A statistical study on meteorology at Syowa Station in the Antarctic


Kaoru Sato, National Institute of Polar Research, Tokyo, Japan; and N. Hirasawa

Statistical characteristics are shown on the surface meteorology at Syowa Station (69.01S, 39.59E) based on hourly data by operational observations in the time period of February 1957 through January 2004. Analyzed physical parameters are temperature, surface pressure, winds, and visibility. Time series of each parameter are shown for each year. Frequency distribution of each parameter for the whole period is shown. Frequency spectra with a wide range of 2 hours to 20 years have a shape proportional to power of frequency with a transition point of several day periods. Dominant peaks of annual and diurnal frequencies and their higher harmonics are also observed. Seasonal variations and diurnal variations as a function of month are shown and possible mechanisms to explain the characteristics are discussed. Trend and inter-annual variations are examined as a function of month and compared with the Antarctic Oscillation Index. Statistical analysis is made also for blizzards that occurred in terms of duration, seasonal and inter-annual variation of frequency of occurrence.

Poster Session 1, James Holton Poster Presentations
Monday, 30 January 2006, 2:30 PM-4:00 PM, A302

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