Session 9 | |||
Climate Model Analysis and Improvement | |||
Cochairs: Sumant Nigam, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD; Philip W. Mote, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA | |||
11:00 AM | 9.1 | Running a climate model in forecast mode to identify the source of tropical climate errors: With specific reference to the dry bias error over the Maritime Continent in an atmosphere only GCM ![]() ![]() Jane Strachan, Univ. of Reading, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom; and P. M. Inness, J. M. Slingo, and G. M. Martin | |
11:15 AM | 9.2 | The importance of tropical Pacific SST changes between the warm pool and the cold tongue Prashant Sardeshmukh, NOAA/CIRES/CDC, Boulder, CO; and G. P. Compo | |
11:30 AM | 9.3 | Attribution of atmospheric variations in the 1997-2003 period to SST anomalies in the Pacific and Indian Ocean basins Ngar-Cheung Lau, NOAA/GFDL, Princeton, NJ; and A. Leetmaa and M. J. Nath | |
11:45 AM | 9.4 | An Assessment of Future Caribbean Climate Changes using the BAU Scenario by Coupling a Global Circulation Model with a Regional Model ![]() ![]() M.E. Angeles, Univ. of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, PR; and J. E. Gonzalez, D. J. Erickson, and J. Hernández | |
12:00 PM | 9.5 | Relative cooling of the N. Indian Ocean: Its relation to aerosols and Indian/sub-Saharan Africa rainfall trends C. E. Chung, SIO/Univ. of California, La Jolla, CA; and V. Ramanathan | |
12:15 PM | Lunch Break (Cash and Carry available in Exhibit Hall) | ||
1:30 PM | 9.6 | Assimilating precipitation to improve simulations of the North American summer circulation Ana M. B. Nunes, SIO/Univ. of California, La Jolla, CA; and J. O. Roads and M. Kanamitsu | |
1:45 PM | 9.7 | Dynamical amplification of polar warming Ming Cai, Florida State Univ., Tallahassee, FL | |
2:00 PM | 9.8 | The response of extratropical precipitation and moisture transport to increased CO2. David J. Lorenz, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and E. DeWeaver | |
2:15 PM | 9.9 | Climate change impacts on the hydrology of the Upper Mississippi River Basin as determined by an ensemble of GCMs ![]() ![]() Eugene S. Takle, Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA; and M. Jha, C. J. Anderson, and P. W. Gassman | |
2:30 PM | 9.10 | Potentially predictable components of African summer rainfall in SST-forced GCM simulations Michael K. Tippett, Internation Research Institute for Climate Prediction, Palisades, NY; and A. Giannini | |
2:45 PM | 9.11 | A Simple Conceptual Model of Lower Troposphere Stability and Marine Stratus and Stratocumulus Cloud Fraction ![]() ![]() Yanping He, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA; and R. Dickinson | |
3:00 PM | Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall and AMS IPOD Raffle | ||
3:30 PM | 9.12 | How and why to upgrade cloud microphysics in climate models ![]() ![]() Sam F. Iacobellis, SIO/Univ. of California, La Jolla, CA; and R. C. J. Somerville | |
![]() | 9.13 | Solar radiation budget derived by integrating ground-based and satellite observations with a Monte Carlo radiation model ![]() Dohyeong Kim, Univ. of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA; and V. Ramanathan, A. Ohmura, and E. G. Dutton | |
3:45 PM | 9.14 | Future projection of precipitation extremes with 20km-mesh Atmospheric General Circulation Model Kenji Kamiguchi, MRI, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan; and A. Kitoh, T. Uchiyama, R. Mizuta, and A. Noda | |
4:00 PM | 9.15 | Some considerations of climate feedback J. Ray Bates, Univ. College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland | |
4:15 PM | 9.16 | Difficulties in simulating the phase of diurnal water and energy cycles A.C. Ruane, ECPC, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD, La Jolla, CA; and J. Roads and M. Kanamitsu |
Thursday, 2 February 2006: 11:00 AM-4:30 PM, A314
* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting