Correlating Cloud-to-Ground and Intra-Cloud Lightning to DSD Parameters

The present work refines the aforementioned approach by first sorting lightning strokes into cloud-to-ground (CG) and intra-cloud (IC) categories, prior to correlation to the DSD parameters. Lightning data for this study were obtained from the Los Alamos National Laboratory EDOTX lightning detection array, located in Northern Florida. The EDOTX array has the ability to classify each detected stroke as CG or IC. The drop size distribution was collected with a Joss-Waldvogel disdrometer located in Citra, FL, close to the center of the EDOTX array. N0 and Λ were extracted from the disdrometer data. In addition, a tipping bucket rain gage colocated with the disdrometer recorded the rain rate (R). In this presentation, N0, Λ , and R are each correlated to the total number of strokes (CG + IC), the number of IC strokes, the number of CG strokes, and the percent of strokes which were IC. Averaging intervals of 1 and 24 hours were considered.
Currently being investigated is the use of WSR-88D radar data to improve correlations, as well as the difference between correlations to EDOTX and National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN) data.