Analyzing aerosols over the U.S. in near real-time with MODIS
Analyzing aerosols over the U.S. in near real-time with MODIS

Wednesday, 1 February 2006
Analyzing aerosols over the U.S. in near real-time with MODIS
Exhibit Hall A2 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Poster PDF (289.9 kB)
A satellite data display system called IDEA (Infusing satellite Data into Environmental Applications) is being tested at the University of Wisconsin as a near real-time analysis and forecasting system for particulate matter over the United States. The IDEA website contains: 1) Daily, regional plots of MODIS aerosol optical depth; 2) 48-hour trajectory forecasts of aerosol; 3) Composites of aerosol, fire locations, wind, and ground station data; 4) Daily correlation maps of PM2.5 and MODIS aerosol optical depth; and 5) Time series comparisons of PM2.5 and MODIS aerosol optical depth. This poster will illustrate the products that are made available with this website, and also share the knowledge that the IDEA group has gained from two years of forecasting with high-resolution MODIS aerosol imagery.