Current Activities of the Range Commanders Council Meteorology Group

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Wednesday, 1 February 2006: 1:45 PM
Current Activities of the Range Commanders Council Meteorology Group
A301 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Richard G. Henning, 46th Weather Squadron, Eglin AFB, FL; and B. C. Roberts

Presentation PDF (307.3 kB)

In August, 1951, the Range Commanders Council (RCC) was created to address common concerns and needs of operational ranges within the United States Department of Defense. Within the RCC, the Meteorology Group (MG) was established to specifically address those needs involving weather support to member range facilities. Currently the 13 member ranges and 12 associate members of the RCC MG meet yearly. Sub-committee meetings on lightning detection and warning and range instrumentation, upper air measurement, and modeling are also held during the yearly meeting.

Recent activities of the RCC MG include validating and documenting new Range Reference Atmospheres generated by the Air Force Combat Climatology Center, a study of lightning climatology, a mesoscale modeling improvement task, and an initiative to investigate a standardized method for calculating wet bulb globe temperature.