An investigation of nocturnal low-level-jet generated gravity waves and turbulence over Oklahoma City during JU2003
An investigation of nocturnal low-level-jet generated gravity waves and turbulence over Oklahoma City during JU2003

Tuesday, 31 January 2006: 2:15 PM
An investigation of nocturnal low-level-jet generated gravity waves and turbulence over Oklahoma City during JU2003
A315 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Presentation PDF (1.0 MB)
Boundary layer wind data observed by Doppler lidar over Oklahoma City during the JU2003 indicate that a strong nocturnal low-level-jet (LLJ) dominated the boundary layer flows during the early morning hours of most of the intensive observation days. The gravity waves due to the strong shear of the LLJ occasionally appeared in this type of flow. The mechanism of the LLJ-generated gravity waves is studied through both the sonic anemometer and Doppler lidar wind measurements. The impacts of the urban environment on the LLJ and associated gravity waves are also investigated. The sonic anemometer observations in the urban and suburban areas are analyzed using a wavelet technique to investigate the LLJ influence on the turbulence in the roughness surface layer.