Improved soundings and error estimates using AIRS/AMSU data
Improved soundings and error estimates using AIRS/AMSU data
Thursday, 2 February 2006: 5:15 PM
Improved soundings and error estimates using AIRS/AMSU data
A305 (Georgia World Congress Center)
AIRS/AMSU is a state of the art high spectral resolution IR/MW sounding system launched on EOS Aqua in May 2002. The primary purposes of AIRS/AMSU are for use in improving numerical weather prediction and the study of climate variability and trends. The Goddard DAAC has been analyzing AIRS/AMSU data using the AIRS Science Team Version 4 retrieval algorithm since April 2005. Further improvements in retrieval methodology are being made towards development of a Version 5 retrieval algorithm to be made operational at the Goddard DAAC in mid 2006. Considerable improvement is being made with regard to error estimates and quality control of both the derived soundings and the clear column radiances used to generate them. Improved error estimates and quality control are significant for both data assimilation and climate purposes. The improvements in sounding methodology will be described. Results will be shown demonstrating the accuracy of soundings and clear column radiances and their error estimates, as well as the characteristics of the new quality control algorithm. Results of a forecast impact study using this data will also be presented.