Data Products from CPTEC Available on The IDD-BRASIL

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Monday, 30 January 2006: 4:00 PM
Data Products from CPTEC Available on The IDD-BRASIL
A412 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Waldenio Gambi de Almeida, CPTEC/INPE, Cachoeira Paulista, S.P., Brazil; and A. A. Lima, A. S. A. Pessoa, A. L. T. Ferreira, A. B. Júnior, D. G. Coelho, G. O. Chagas, L. A. Carvalho, M. V. Mendes, M. G. Justi, and T. Yoksas

Presentation PDF (32.8 kB)

The IDD-Brasil is the result of cooperation among Brazil's Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos (CPTEC, a division of INPE), Brazilian Universities like the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), and the US Unidata Program Center. It is the expansion of the Unidata Internet Data Distribution (IDD) system in Brazil, and now is delivering the full set of global observations, global model output transmitted distributed the US NWS in NOAAPORT, and all GOES imager channels in near real-time to top level redistribution nodes established at CPTEC and the UFRJ. From there, the data is being relayed to a rapidly increasing community of university users

At CPTEC the data sharing component of the IDD-Brazil is being used to disseminate the output of the CPTEC models, satellite imagery, satellite derived products, and hard-to-obtain mesonet and automated reporting network observations to university participants in both the South American IDD-Brazil and North American IDD. Dissemination of the observational data is important given the sparse coverage of WMO synoptic reporting stations in Brazil. The numericals outputs from CPTECxs regional models have the highest resolution available for South America, like the operational ETA in 40 Km scale grid, and the pre-operational ETA in 20 Km scale grid. GOES satellite imagery also is operationally collected at CPTEC, and specific products are being implemented to be ingested on IDD, like high-resolution sectors of South America. Soon several others additional CPTECxs products for south america area will be inserted on the system.

All these data ingesting on IDD system makes high-resolution specific products for South America easily and freely available for universities and meteorological centers. Although these data are freely available on CPTECxs internet page, they arenxt available on the WMOxs GTS system. It is envisioned that data sharing efforts such as these will foster new collaborations among Brazilian meteorological centers and universities and their counterparts throughout South, North, and Central America.