A Framework for Coupled Modeling

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The Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPSŪ1), the NRL Coastal Ocean Model (NCOM), and Wave Watch III (WW3) have been coupled successfully under this framework and have been tested for Hurricane Frances (2004). The coupler has been created to control all the data transfer between the different models. Since configurations (grid resolution, number of domains and their locations) for each model can be different, the coupling framework collects the model configuration of each model and transfers data from one model to another model based on domain resolution and location (including moving nests). One-way and two-way coupled COAMPS-NCOM, and one-way coupled COAMPS-WW3 forecasts have been performed using this framework. Results show that the coupling framework adds less than 3% overhead to the cost of running the systems.
1COAMPSŪ is a registered trademark of the Naval Research Laboratory.