Strat-Trop exchange: recent evidence from in situ observations of isotopes, water and reactive intermediates
Strat-Trop exchange: recent evidence from in situ observations of isotopes, water and reactive intermediates

Monday, 30 January 2006: 4:00 PM
Strat-Trop exchange: recent evidence from in situ observations of isotopes, water and reactive intermediates
A302 (Georgia World Congress Center)
An array of new observational strategies is emerging that provide unique insight into the coupled problem of strat-trop exchange, the source and transport of water into the upper tropical and sub-tropical troposphere, and secular trends in the column concentration of ozone in response to climate forcing. The combination of integrated cavity output spectroscopy (ICOS), photofragment laser induced fluorescence (PF-LIF) on the one hand, and GPS occultation on the other, is used to link a new generation of in situ spectroscopic tools with high accuracy remote soundings of the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere.