Comparison of ozone and carbon monoxide observations during the NCAS Trans-Atlantic Saharan Dust Aerosol and Ocean Science Expedition with other aerosol datasets

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Monday, 30 January 2006
Comparison of ozone and carbon monoxide observations during the NCAS Trans-Atlantic Saharan Dust Aerosol and Ocean Science Expedition with other aerosol datasets
Exhibit Hall A2 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Michelle Hawkins-Strachan, Howard University, Washington, DC; and V. Morris

The NOAA Center for Atmospheric Sciences (NCAS) conducted a combined atmospheric and oceanographic experiment aboard the NOAA Ronald H. Brown ship to characterize the physico-chemical evolution of the Saharan Aerosol Layer during its long-range transport into the Caribbean from February 29, 2004 through March 26, 2004. During AEROSE, CO and O3 concentrations were measured to study the effects of Saharan dust on atmospheric chemistry in the tropical marine boundary layer. Tropospheric O3 and CO were measured in-situ and on a continual basis during several dust storms that occurred during the month of March. During the dust storm we observed increased concentrations of CO and decreased concentrations of O3. An inverse relationship was observed between black carbon aerosol and CO however the relationship between black carbon aerosol and O3 is more complex. A comparison of observations and model results will also be presented.