Space weather effects on United's polar operations

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Monday, 30 January 2006: 1:30 PM
Space weather effects on United's polar operations
A406 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Mike Stills, United Airlines

United Airlines considers space weather as the number one operational concern associated with polar flying. During solar activity, it is United Air Lines' policy to restrict flights from certain routes and altitudes. If advised of threatening activity prior to the flight, United will not hesitate to fly at lower altitudes and latitudes or even incur a fuel stop. Outbreaks of strong solar activity, in late 2003 and again in 2005, resulted in multiple route changes and other impacts to United's operations in the Polar Regions. This presentation will review the impact of these intense space weather outbreaks on our polar operations and discuss the processes in place to help mitigate the impact of hazardous space weather.