Geostationary interferometer 24-hour simulated dataset for testing processing and calibration algorithms
Geostationary interferometer 24-hour simulated dataset for testing processing and calibration algorithms
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Wednesday, 1 February 2006
Geostationary interferometer 24-hour simulated dataset for testing processing and calibration algorithms
Exhibit Hall A2 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Poster PDF (1.8 MB)
Simulation datasets are being produced in preparation for future hyperspectral geostationary instruments resembling GIFTS, such as a proposed HES imaging interferometer on GOES-R. These datasets are being used for testing of algorithms and data processing software. Use of the WRF model over extremely large spatial domains provides self-consistent data of representative size and shape. Atmospheric and cloud profiles for a potential geostationary viewing area over a 24-hour period are generated. These profiles are then used to calculate what the instrument in orbit will see and the interferograms that will be sent to the surface stations.